Creating Custom Error Log Table in SSIS for OLEDB Block And Kingwaysoft Dynamics CRM Block

Rushank Karekar
5 min readJan 21, 2020



This log error will help us to understand and fix an issue as quickly. There are three main phases in a SSIS ETL execution life-cycle to catch errors:

1. When data is being extracted from source systems

2. When data is being transformed

3. When data is loaded to the target systems

Customized Error Handling also avoids the failure of Package during Runtime. It allows the package to be executed successfully and the Errors can be checked later from the Customized Error Log Table which you create to know what problem exactly occurred.

Our Scenario

For demonstration purpose we will consider a Units Integration Map for Integration of Units from SQL to Dynamics CRM.

In this Blog we will Create a Customized Error Log Table in SQL and Catch the Errors from SQL (Source Block) and Dynamics CRM (Destination block).

The Map for Unit Integration is as following:

Customized Error Handling in SSIS

Execute the following query and create a customized Error Log Table in SSIS:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ErrorLog](

[ErrorID][uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL default newid() primary key,

[Entity] [varchar](250) NULL,

[Record_Id] [int] NULL,

[RecordName] [varchar](250) NULL,

[ErrorDescription] [varchar](500) NULL,

[DateTime] [datetime] NULL


The structure of Table is as following:

Error Handling at OLEDB Source Block:

Step 1:

Add a Script Component to catch the Error Description, Error Log Date and Entity.

Select Transformation and click on Ok.

Step 2:

Connect the Error Output (Red Arrow) from OLDEB Source to the Script Component. Select “Redirect row” for all columns in the Error and Truncation Columns to redirect Error Output to Script Component.

Step 3:

Configure the Script Component as following:

In Input Columns section Select Error Code and Error Column.

In Inputs and Outputs section Add following Columns

In the Connection Managers Section add a new connection and select your SQL connection.

In the Script Section click on Edit Script. After a minute a New Editor Window will Open. Here you have to copy and paste the following Script inside the “public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)” section.

Code Snippet:

Click on Save and then Close the Window.

Step 4:

Add a Data Conversion Block to avoid any Truncation Errors because of Data Type Conversion between NVarchar and Varchar Data Types of the Error Description Column.

Select ErrorDecription Column and select Data Type as String. Click on OK.

Step 5:

Add an OLEDB destination block.

Configure your OLEDB Connection Manager and Select the Error Log Table which you had created in SQL Server.

In the Mapping section do the following Mappings and click on Ok.

Error Handling at Dynamics Destination Block:

Step 1:

Perform the Steps 1 and 2 as specified above in Error Handling at OLEDB Source Block.

Step 2:

Configure the Script Component as following:

In Input Columns section Select Error Code, Error Column and CrmErrorMessage.

In Inputs and Outputs section Add following Columns

In the Connection Managers Section add a new connection and select your CRM connection:

In the Script Section click on Edit Script. You have to copy and paste the following Script inside the “public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)” section.

Code Snippet

Click on Save and then Close the Window.

Step 3:

Add a Data Conversion Block to avoid any Truncation Errors because of Data Type Conversion between NVarchar and Varchar Data Types of the Error Description Column.

Select CrmErrorMessage Column and select Data Type as String and length as 500 i.e. according to the length of columns SQL. Click on OK.

Step 4:

Add an OLEDB destination block.

Configure your OLEDB Connection Manager and Select the Error Log Table which you had created in SQL Server.

In the Mapping section do the following Mappings and click on Ok.

Checking the Error Occurred during Integration

You can see the Error rows passing through the Error Output and being logged in our Error Log Table.

Open the Error Log Table to check the Errors Occurred.

Now you can easily identify the errors occurred during Integration process from your Custom Error Log Table and solve them to have successful Integration results.



Rushank Karekar
Rushank Karekar

Written by Rushank Karekar

Working as a Senior Azure Engineer with Hands-on experience on Azure Integration Services, Azure Data Engineering, Power BI, SSRS, SSIS and Tibco Scribe.

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